Thanks for your interest in promoting the Bible Family Conference!
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Fill out the form below with and we’ll send you promotional materials ASAP!
Here’s an outline of how what Generations is offering you to promote the conference:
- An interview on Generations Radio
- Generations discounts conference registration for your constituent until June 30: $149 for every family who registers with the [your organization] discount code or $59 per individual ($70-$120 off onsite pricing).
- Generations pays your organization a $20 referral fee for every family registration or $10 for every individual registration with your code.
- Generations publishes your organization’s logo on the conference website and program
In exchange, your organization would give the Bible Family Conference:
- 1-2 dedicated email blasts (we’ll build them for you)
- 1-2 posts on your blog (we can provide content)
- (If you can) 5-9 mentions of the conference on social media (we can provide content)
- (If you can) Any distribution print advertising, website graphics, or other forms of promotion you are able to offer (we can provide print materials/graphics)
If you add promotional opportunities below that go beyond the terms stated above, Generations is willing to consider paying your organization for the extra effort. Enter that information below and we’ll be in touch.
Have another offer you’d like to present?
Contact our promotion coordinate at
As our ministry team has talked through the needs we see in the homeschool community, we keep coming back to the desperate need for families to be solidly rooted in their relationship with God and His word. Otherwise, they’ll end up like the “house on the sand” in Matthew 7. And unfortunately, we’re personally acquainted with some situations here in Colorado where that’s exactly what is happening.
So we decided to host a conference focused on establishing families on the Word of God, hence the Bible Family Conference.
What we’re offering to attendees:
- Admission to the two-day Bible Family Conference (Fri.-Sat. August 10-11)
- Optional: Priority admission to the Museum of the Bible (The Museum of the Bible has graciously opened up priority admission to our conference group before the museum opens to the general public on Thursday the 9th.)
- Optional: Tours of select historical sites in and around DC with Christian tour guides (August 8-9)
One of the most significant ways that our faith (our relationship with God) is shown to be either true or false is how we relate to other people. We like to see the Holy Spirit use this the Bible Family Conference to absolutely transform how Christian families relate to God, each other, and the world around them.
Our goal for this conference (as God wills) is 2000 people or 350 families.